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We provide conversion assistance in two major areas: business planning and board training.

Business Planning

PHAs that have already embraced public housing’s asset management reforms find themselves better positioned for the conversion to Section 8. But for others, despite the huge advantages of the Section 8 program, conversion can be a wake-up call. Each asset needs to perform, to generate cash flow, and, as applicable, to make debt service payments. We work with PHAs to ensure that they have a good business model in terms of developing effective property-based management systems, including any necessary restructuring of the central office. We also specialize in business planning around troubled projects/troubled PHAs and how the conversion to Section 8 offers new tools, and a new framework, for turning these assets around.

In addition to formal engagements, we are also available for phone consultations to discuss specific conversion challenges or strategies. Call or email us to set up an audio or virtual appointment.

Our work is strategic, not transactional. We are not a development consultant. Our focus is more about finding out where you want to go, and helping you get there, than it is deal-specific.

Conversion Training for Boards

Ultimately, all conversion actions require approval by a PHA’s board. To assist PHA boards make these decisions, we provide customized training for PHA boards focusing two fundamental issues:


(1)What are the key planning considerations for any PHA as it transitions to Section 8, and

(2) How does the conversion to Section 8 change the governance role of the board in overseeing the affairs of the agency?

This training provides an extremely practical examination of conversion issues.   


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