Below are various repositioning tools available for public housing agencies. These tools have been featured in different Chalk Talks.
National Conversion Assessment Tool
We developed this Tool to help stakeholders estimate the cost of converting public housing to a Section 8 Market-Based Rent System. Users enter various underwriting assumptions, as well as assumptions about the reasonable (market) rents following conversion or the backlog of public housing capital needs. The Tool then calculates the additional incremental subsidy and the resulting capital gap, as applicable.
The Tool is intended to facilitate program-wide policy and funding discussions and is not intended for property-level planning.
For more information or background, please refer to the Tool’s Instruction Tab.
4% Tax Credit Equity Estimator
This tool provides an estimate of the amount of tax credit equity that a PHA can generate as part of a RAD conversion based on just a few variables. It can be used for early project planning purposes.