About Greg Byrne
I have spent 40 years in the public housing program, much of which in an effort to bridge the gap between public housing and our other multifamily housing programs, including:
Director, Miami/Dade County Public Housing Authority (1992-1996),
where we radically decentralized property management services, eliminated all central warehouses, and  introduced private management for about abou15% of the public housing stock;
Project Director, Harvard’s Public Housing Operating Cost Study (1998-2001),
which gave birth to the new public housing Operating Fund Rule (24 CFR 990) and its accompanying asset management reforms;
Director, HUD’s Public Housing Operating Fund Program (2003-2009),
which oversaw public housing’s implementation of asset management, including introducing the fee-for-service model; redesigning the Public Housing Assessment System to align with project-based oversight; and revamping the public housing procurement handbook to support property-based management; and
Director, HUD’s Affordable Housing Transaction Division (2010-2021),
which underwrote all RAD transactions and provided technical assistance to countless PHAs on repositioning.